Why I’ve Done Hot Yoga for Over 5 years!
The second I tell someone that I do hot yoga, they usually look at my like I’m nuts and ask “how can you do that?!” The ‘HOW’ isn’t the question… it’s the ‘WHY’. My ‘WHY’ started out because I was getting bored with the same gym routine. I was able to push myself, but not to limits, like I knew I was capable of. An old co-worker told me to join her for hot yoga class. I, like most, instantly said yoga wouldn’t be for me. I had played soccer all of my life and flexibility is pretty much non-existent. Reluctantly, I went with her. I’ve never looked back since! The first class was hard… I won’t lie. I’d never sweat that much in my entire life! But with each class, my abilities and strength kept increasing!
When Spencer and I found out we were expecting our little man, my doctor told me that I couldn’t do hot yoga anymore. I was absolutely crushed. This is my Tribe! These are my people! Now what? Up until 36 weeks, I switched to barre classes, which is a great alternative and still a great workout! After having our son, when I got the OK from my doctor, I jumped right back in to hot yoga! It’s crazy how your body changes, obviously having a baby, but with taking your time off from yoga. I felt discouraged going back… like starting back to the beginning all over again. I had to re-build my strength and abilities back up again. Having said that though, I gained it back somewhat quickly. It felt amazing feeling myself get stronger again!
I always tell everyone the heat is a mental hurdle more than it is physical. If you focus on it, that will be the focus of your workout. In yoga, they practice focusing and listening to your breath and body. If you feel the heat is too much, come to sitting on your mat and join back in when you’re ready. I feel like my body adapted to the heat quickly. My body craves a good sweat session now! My favorite class is the Yoga Sculpt class. I feel like it’s the perfect mix of yoga, free weights, cardio and strength training. Now, if I workout and don’t sweat much, I don’t feel like it was a good workout! Each instructor has their own teaching technique so you know you’ll get a different experience with each class you attend. I’ve never met a more amazing support system throughout my entire journey as I have at AMT. Find a studio that empowers each other to be your best self and love you for you!
Just try it! I think you’ll surprise yourself.

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