Fall Go-To Shawl
If you’re looking for a very versatile piece that you can get your money’s worth… this is it!! I’m always looking for pieces I can wear multiple ways! This shawl is perfect because you can effortless change a thing or two in your outfit and create a completely different look! From work to date night with girlfriends, I’m loving these looks that I styled! I also want to mention this companies mission– another reason that your purchase is worth it. Shawls for Shelters is a program from April Marin Accessories; with every purchase of a shawl, one goes to a local shelter to someone in need! This seriously warms my heart, because these are QUALITY, beautifully crafted shawls. It’s like BOGO free and the free one goes to someone who needs it way more than you do! Click here for the link to this amazing shawl!!
<— Throw on a pair of your fav jeans, white button up and you’re done! Linked my white button up here! (Currently on sale for $15- RUN!!
<— Dress up with the same white button up but add a ponte pant or a legging, a waist belt and belt only the front half of the shawl. (If you belt the entire shawl, it gets a little bulky) I popped the outfit with a tan bootie to all a little color so it’s not so much black 🙂 Click here to shop my leggings!
April Marin has a lot more than just these shawls! She has chunky sweaters, scarves and a lot more! Here’s a link to her amazing boutique!

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