Earth Shoes & Rudoph’s Shoe Mart
Walking into Rudoloh’s Shoe Mart, you’re instantly
welcomed with smiling faces from their helpful staff
of individuals. Along with smiling faces, you see a
wide array of shoe brands on prominent displays.
Whether you’re looking for a new pair of running
shoes or a casual bootie for dinner with girlfriends,
Rudolph’s has the selection that you’re looking for! I
noticed they have looks for the entire family as I saw
many families shopping for new shoes! My eye was
immediately drawn to the Earth Shoes display! Earth
Shoes has a wide range of footwear options, all with
their own unique look and style. Right when I walked
up to the display, I was greeted with a friendly and
helpful smile by Jessicah. From start to finish, you
could tell that Jessicah was very knowledgeable in
Earth Shoes and eager to help me. My mom has
been an Earth Shoe fan for years and told me if
there’s one thing she wishes she would’ve started at
a younger age, it would be taking care of her feet
with wearing good, quality shoes! Earth Shoes has
signature footbeds that are meticulously designed
and crafted to bring you ultimate comfort. Their
exclusive Powerpath® footbed design enhances the
natural movement of the foot. This footbed also
optimizes feelings of vitality and wellness throughout
your day by absorbing energy, stabilizing the foot
and propelling the foot off the ground effortlessly. I
also love that the footbed includes a padded heel,
arch support, premium lining with plush and firm
cushioning. Their shoes remove the work out of
needing to place an insert into your new shoes. I
was so amazed! You’re telling me I can have an
adorable, trendy shoe that is also good for my foot
and my overall total body wellness? Yes, please! If I
haven’t convinced you enough yet, you can feel
good about every Earth Shoe you purchase! Earth
Shoes are partnered with Trees.org; when you buy a
pair of their shoes you can head to their website,
www.earthshoes.com, to register to plant a tree!
Jessicah was great to work with and invited me back
again to see her. She was able to assist me with all
my needs, making the shoe-buying process
effortless and enjoyable! She even shared that she
purchased the exact same Earth Shoes I purchased
in another color. Great minds clearly do think alike!
Rudolph’s Shoe Mart is conveniently located on 41 st
and Louise Ave and I’m telling you, you have to go
look at their amazing selection for yourself! That
place has shoes from top to bottom and you won’t
be disappointed! They also have lines with a wide
size variety including narrow to extra-wide fits! Go in
today and treat yourself to some new fall shoe
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