I’m sitting here typing this thinking, ‘how in the world has it been a year?!’
Time really does go by so fast! Must be that old age thing I’m starting to experience now! I thought with the one year anniversary I would create a post talking all about my first year in fashion blogging! The good, the bad and everything in-between! I say ‘the bad‘ but honestly, there really isn’t anything bad. Just some things that I didn’t realize going into it or wish I would have prepared for a little more! I can look back over the last year and say I do not regret anything and that I absolutely love this passion of mine! I know that I was meant to be on the journey! I get excited every day knowing that I get to create and share with Best Dressed Blonde!
Ahhh… my very first post to my new Instagram account! There was nothing more daunting then posting to a new account with 0 followers! I had done some research about whether to convert my current/personal account or start fresh. All of the credible sources said start from scratch! No lies… it’s a struggle! Each day in the beginning you’re posting and interacting with basically no one. But I kept telling myself that even if I get one follower, they are someone special and deserve what I have to offer by giving it my best!

Getting started with my actual blog
This exact process almost made me throw in the towel, so to speak! Creating your own website and figuring out everything to do it… OVERWHELMING! This step is NO JOKE! I even used to sell websites and digital marketing in my previous job, so I felt like I knew more than the average blogger about this step. But honestly, in order to get this up and running, I watched about 75 YouTube videos. I’m not ashamed of that and highly recommend it for anything you’re looking to do for your website. I still watch videos when trying to figure out widgets or changes to my site! I knew how bad I wanted this and now, how bad I want to be successful with it, that giving up isn’t an option!
What I thought I knew…
I knew that this was going to be a lot of work! I feel like my background and experience had well prepared for me for what was in store!
It’s going to be time-consuming!
Ummm… you got that right! Honestly, I did not think it would take this much time! There’s shooting content, buying/selecting product, editing photos, creating posts, doing try-ons, looking and keeping up on sales, engaging on Instagram, creating blog posts… and so much more. I try to use my time as wisely as I can! Just prepare yourself for a time commitment.
There’s going to be some expense!
…. and then some! The expense just doesn’t start when you first start! You’ll need to invest in some clothing, tri-pod, ring-light/mirror/vanity if you plan on anything make-up wise, renewing your domain and host subscriptions, if you pay for any widgets/themes, and most importantly, GIVEAWAYS! For me, organic growth comes slower than I’d like to wait, so every so often I participate in giveaways. Some turn out, some don’t. It’s honestly a gamble and just depends on my mood if I do them or not.
You can’t do it all!
I wanted to have overnight success, do try-ons all day and partner with big brands! Is that too much to ask for?! In reality, taking it day by day and learning from yourself, others and resources (blogs, podcasts, other bloggers) is perfectly fine!
What I’ve learned…
There’s so much I’ve learned that I feel like I could do 30 posts on this. But, there are some key things that I want to share.
1. Stay positive! It can be so easy in this super-competitive and saturated space to doubt yourself and your value. I always want to grow faster, have big brands reach out to me, get instant success! But I’ve learned that it will happen the way it’s supposed to and when it’s supposed to.
2. You won’t make everyone happy. Although I want to, and hope I can, it’s just not possible. Whether it’s a brand, follower, anyone! You don’t have to be everyone’s style or cup of tea and that’s OK! There’s plenty of bloggers, brands and followers to make everyone happy! I just want to stay true to myself and what I want to share!
3. Try to find balance. This, I thought I had under control! I was trying to balance and juggle all of these balls… but if you get into this gig… something has to give. For me, it has to be the blog that gives, not my FT job or my family. I’m learning to accept that. I don’t want to look back and regret anything.
4. Give yourself grace. With my first year behind me, I’ve learned a lot and am acknowledging mistakes. Things I’ve said, partnerships I took on, thing’s I’ve thought… Lessons learned are lessons worth growing through!
5. Don’t give up! I have to tell myself this ALL THE TIME! It can get so discouraging seeing others successes and growth and wishing that for your own. I just have to remember to pray. If God wants this for me, it will happen!
6. Don’t sacrifice what’s important. I was getting consumed and wrapped-up in Instagram. That’s, as of recent, come to light for me. It was interfering with my work and family and I found myself constantly looking at IG notifications and wanting to engage constantly. Don’t sacrifice your job, friends and most importantly your FAMILY! I don’t want to look back and think of all of the time I spent on best dressed blonde versus the time spent bettering myself, my family and enjoying everyday life!
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