Start Planning now!

It’s that time of year again when the Holiday shopping is in full force! I’ve rounded up some amazing gift guides to make the season of giving, easy! I’ll be linking below those gift guides as well as referencing some holiday reference posts!
One of you requested some techniques and strategies for budgeting during the holidays! This is right up my ally and something I have to do myself as well! Here are my quick tips for budgeting during the holidays:
1. Create a master gift list. Figure out and map out who you all need to shop for this season.
2. Get out your calendar and schedule out your buying. Whether you do this based on your pay periods or completing two gifts per week, do what makes sense for you and your budget.
3. Stick to this calendar! If you start shopping now, you won’t feel so overwhelmed and strapped as Christmas gets closer.
4. Be realistic and practical with your purchases. Focus on gifts you know he/she will use. Some ideas of this: her favorite cleanser, his favorite cologne, gift card to her favorite retailer.
5. DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE!!! Every retailer and department store chain has coupons! Google “Macys coupons” and you should be able to find some. If you’re on desktop, I suggest using honey! They scan all coupons recently used on websites and let you know automatically at checkout if you’re getting the best deal! You can bookmark to quickly check at checkout of any online store! Click here!
Click the links below to shop my Gift Guides!
Gifts under $25
Gifts under $50
Gifts for Her
Gifts for Him
Gifts for the Kiddos
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